1st Mar 2023
3 Min Read

PODCAST | Ep.2 Here we go again

Elle Bradley-Cox
Elle Bradley-Cox
World Changers

It’s time to dig deep – again. With a long and ugly recession predicted for 2023, employers and employees are going to have to tap into new wells of strengths to survive and thrive. In many cases, that strength is depleted from the chaos and uncertainty of the last three years. So, now’s the time to shore up our internal defences and come together as teammates to weather this latest storm.

Resilience sits in the business buzzword camp – along with wellness – and yet, its formal definition is the ability to recognise adversity and access existing protective factors to overcome a difficult situation. In other words, our previous experiences will affect how we respond to new challenges.

Together, senior editorial consultant Elle Bradley-Cox and senior project manager Lucy Stead discuss what resilience in the workplace really means. How do you handle the setbacks, and how do you bounce back?

We also asked team scarlettabbott when have you had to bend and not break? And who helped you through?

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