6th Apr 2021
3 Min Read

PODCAST | Ep.3 The quiet captain

Elle Bradley-Cox
Elle Bradley-Cox
World Changers

Diving in to another topic from our 2021 World Changers report, Elle Bradley-Cox explores how quieter voices fair in the world of work.

Think about a leader you know and what springs to mind: leadership or loudership?

Fortune favours the brave and, in our age of influence, the person who shouts the loudest is often the one who gets listened to. After all, building a personal brand comes with certain expectations that a leader should be loud, proud and physically visible.

But in 2020, those who thrive on communicating to crowded rooms had to step back behind the screen. It became clear just how little good leadership has to do with making a speech, and how much it has to do with making a mark.

Elle Bradley-Cox joins our senior consultant Steph Finn and managing director Jeremy Petty for a candid conversation about their experience of leadership over the last 12 months.

Guest interview

Special guest Iain Wilkie, quiet leadership coach and founder of 50 Million Voices also shares his thoughts on supporting quieter voices in the world of work.

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