Engaging everyone in diversity and inclusion.

The topic of diversity is relevant to everyone, when it’s communicated well. By exploring the biases and barriers that people face as a result of all their intersecting characteristics, you can foster a culture in which everyone feels more comfortable to be themselves. In doing so, D&I becomes a strategic enabler – actively contributing to the growth of your organisation.
Diversity and Inclusion
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How to develop a D&I content strategy.

You need a clear narrative:

in most cases, there’s a fairly good understanding of why D&I matters, and the business case has been clearly articulated. However, it’s vital to draw a clear line between a more diverse and inclusive workplace and the future growth and success of your organisation. That way, everyone can find relevance in the topic and feels more bought in to its successful delivery. Our D&I specialist consultants can help your surface and articulate that story, forming the backbone of all subsequent comms.

Tell the story

You need a plan for the year:

There are many opportunities to talk about D&I throughout the year. By plotting these out as part of a quick working session, we can help you form a plan of what you’ll say and when. We can also assess which communities and characteristics are under-represented in order to fill some of the gaps.

Plan of action

You need to educate people on specific topics:

The topic of diversity and inclusion has many specific words and acronyms that can get in the way of people understanding the real issues. Our team of writers and creatives can break down the complex into simple and engaging communications that ease people in and take the uncertainty out of discussing D&I.

What to say when

You need an objective assessment on your current communications:

A fresh pair of eyes helps you get a new perspective on your current communications. By assessing a sample of your recent D&I communications, our consultants and writers can identify opportunities to help your messages land even better in the future.

Phase 2 13

You need to amplify diverse voices:

Sharing the lived experiences of your people is a powerful method of building empathy and building new connections across your organisation. Our team of D&I storytellers can sensitively work with your people to share their story in a respectful and nuanced way.

Phase 2 14

You need to embed more inclusive ways of working among your team:

A lot of teams have already adopted more inclusive ways of working as business as usual: for example, always subtitling videos and providing transcripts of podcasts to cater for deaf people. But there is always more that can be done. Our ‘Identity & intersectionality’ workshop explores the dimensions of diversity that are important to your people and encourages meaningful conversation about what changes can be put in place to make teamwork more inclusive for everybody.

Phase 2 15

You need a deep-dive diversity and inclusion audit

Many teams are already producing fantastic content and campaigns in the space of diversity and inclusion, but the message doesn’t always land. Our deep-dive D&I audit helps you discover what your people really think about inclusion in your organisation, which topics get talked about too much and which don’t get covered at all. From this insight, we can build a fulsome recommendation of how to embed a culture of belonging among your people through powerful employee engagement.

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Your facilitator

Russ Norton
Russell Norton
Director of consultancy

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