TopIC In Post - Mapping the COVID comms curve. A practical worksheet for IC and HR
19th Mar 2020
3 Min Read

Mapping the COVID comms curve. A practical worksheet for IC and HR

Culture & Insights

Using the experience of global employees further along the COVID curve, we‘ve mapped the potential communication phases for IC and HR.

We know this is an uncertain time for all, and uncertainty can feel scary. But there are things within our control — such as how we plan for known risks and how we anticipate the unknown risks.

Drawing inspiration from the Kubler Ross change curve model, there are IC and HR teams who will go through similar stages of experience as the pandemic starts, peaks and then ebbs in various territories. The stages have associated emotional impacts and will require different levels of support.

As is always the foundation of what we do, knowing our audience in order to define the message is key. And we hope this tool will help you assess, prepare and plan through the coming weeks and months.

Let‘s learn from those who have gone before.

The COVID-19 outbreak is not like any other we’ve seen, so it would be misguided to look to other outbreaks, such as the 2003 SARS or 2010 Swine Flu outbreaks, as examples of what will unfold. Predictive models regarding how COVID-19 may develop are just that – predictive.

Therefore, we looked for real-life experiences. Who better to ask than those in Hong Kong who are further along the curve, with experiences to share with those who are earlier in the journey. This is not a definitive guide by any means; world markets had not yet experienced the dramatic drops and border closures when Hong Kong was experiencing their COVID-19 containment measures. However, it may help you anticipate the business messages, potential impacts and emotional experiences for your people over time.

Sample worksheet

The planner contains sample messaging and responses for phases over a period of weeks, with space below for your own mapping tailored to your organsation.

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