Creating better worlds of work through learning
The ability of leaders, managers, HR professionals and internal comms teams to engage colleagues has a measurable impact on the productivity and performance of any business. We established the scarlettabbott academy to equip those people with the knowledge and skills they need to make a positive difference to their teams and workforces.
When it comes to learning, one size doesn’t fit all. The best way for people to learn depends on the type of role they’re in, the access they have to digital channels and, importantly, the subject matter and learning outcomes. We offer courses and one-off modules, some delivered live (in person or remotely) and some accessible on demand.
All our learning experiences are rooted in robust academic theory and backed up by the decades of combined experience our specialists have accumulated. Many are also accredited by professional bodies and are eligible for CPD points. However, their defining feature is practicality. We want to give everyone specific, usable knowledge, tactics and techniques that will enable them to make their working world better.
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